Why plant forests?
Forests provide a number of vital benefits. They’re arguably the most cost-effective means of capturing atmospheric carbon. But they do so much more than that.
By planting trees to restore forested areas across Canada, we’re growing our economy, communities and overall wellbeing. More importantly, we’re providing a better future for those we love.
Clean Air & Water
Trees suck harmful carbon from the air through their leaves and bark. In return, they give us clean oxygen to breathe. They also help reduce flooding and landslides by functioning as filters to slow down the water’s absorption into the soil.
Diverse Plant & Animal Life
Forests are home to hundreds of different mammals, insects, fungi and plants—all which require various types of habitat. Without forests, the wide range of biodiversity wouldn’t exist.
Social & Economic Growth
Many job opportunities are made possible because of forests. They provide humans and animals with shade, food and the resources to build shelter and stay warm. They’re also a natural playground to use recreationally.
Health & Wellbeing
It’s a known fact that trees help alleviate anxiety. By giving us a place to be at one with nature, they ground us, relax us and have a significant, positive impact on our health and wellbeing.